August 5, 2024
Air Niugini wishes to advise customers and the general public that airfreight of Mercury is a Dangerous Goods. Air Niugini will ONLY ACCEPT MERCURY if properly Packed, Marked, Labelled, Documented and Declared in accordance with the Airlines Dangerous Goods Acceptance policies and procedures.
Under the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), Mercury is acceptable for carriage when properly packed and declared. Â The Net Quantity per inner package in a glass or plastic MUST NOT EXCEED 2.5 kg. The outer package MUST NOT EXCEED 35kg. Inner packagings MUST be packed with sufficient cushioning material to prevent breakage!
Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. If not correctly packed, the spillage can be highly destructive to aircraft, as mercury is reactive to aluminium which is used in building aircraft. It will dissolve the surface of the aluminium, making it prone to corrosion and weakening the aircraft structure. Mercury is also a health hazard and very dangerous when exposed to human beings as it can damage the nerves and immune systems, kidney and liver.
To ensure safe handling and loading of Mercury into aircraft, it must be properly identified, classified, packed, marked, labelled and documented by the shipper for ALL Air Niugini flights.
Failure to comply with the above requirements can lead to prosecution under the Civil Aviation Act 2000. Penalty for communicating of false information affecting safety of an aircraft, it’s passengers and related services, is a fine not exceeding K100,000.00 for an organisation and K30,000.00 for individuals or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.
Penalty for crimes relating to aircraft and assaults on aircraft is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years.
For any further information or clarification, please email
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation on this matter.
Air Niugini Limited.