June 13, 2023

Air Niugini has proudly supported the attendance of the head of PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) Air Transport Wing Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col), Nancy Wii at a Women in Aviation rally in Hamilton, New Zealand as this prestigious event’s guest speaker.
The national airline has provided Port Moresby/Brisbane return tickets for Lt. Col Wii.
Lt. Col Wii climbed the ranks of the PNGDF and was promoted to Commanding Officer in February 2022, and is the first female PNGDF commanding officer, heading the force’s Air Transport Wing, as well as being a pilot.
Air Niugini’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gary Seddon in presenting the tickets said “As the national airline, Air Niugini is pleased to support the Lt. Col’s opportunity to represent Papua New Guinea, the PNGDF and PNG women pilots at this event.
“ Lt. Col Wii’s story is one that should be widely told, as a shining example of how PNG women can reach and break a glass ceiling in not only aviation, but also leadership in the defence force.” He said
Lt. Col Wii also acknowledged Air Niugini for the support in ensuring she attended the women aviators’ event where she was invited to share her personal experience of becoming PNG’s first female commercial pilot at 21 and to where she is now, first female PNG Defence Force Commanding Officer.
The story of a female to command an element in the PNGDF is certainly not an everyday story and something to be proud of. Lt. Col Wii did all her primary to secondary education in PNG before taking up her pilot training with a school in New Zealand, all sponsored by her parents.
Over 100 women pilots, engineers and aviation professionals converged in Hamilton for the Women in Aviation rally from June 2 to 6, hosted by Pacific Aerospace for New Zealand Association of Women Aviators (NZAWA).
Corporate Communications Department
Sunday 11th June , 2023